It’s that time again when all of the young Yarravillian’s head back into the classroom for term 3. Whilst the cold winter holidays were over before they knew it now’s the time when they knuckle down and get back to learning.

It’s also the time when parents are back to stressing about the morning routine, afternoon pickups and of course, all of the extra-curricular activities like footy, netball and the arts.

Fortunately there’s one thing that the parents can avoid worrying about, where to get their supplies from! With great retailers like Chalk and Invite me on hand with some of the best kids toys, accessories and school supplies in town!

Or maybe it’s the time for the parents to reduce some of the stress by trying out Yoga at the Yarraville Yoga Centre? Either way, Yarraville has you covered this back to school season.

For those without kids it’s also a time when the cafe’s and parks are a little quieter and village life returns to its relaxed state for another few months. For them we have the delicious coffees from Inspired Café or even take in a movie at the Sun Theatre with all that extra free time. ?